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Using Quotes Effectively - APA format 参考文献引用格式









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发表于 2014-3-13 22:45:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Social Sciences -> Documenting Sources -> Sample Paper -> here:
  Sample Paper: http://dianahacker.com/pdfs/Hacker-Mira-APA-RD4.pdf
  The APA’s in-text citations provide at least the author’s last name and the  date of publication. For direct quotations and some paraphrases, a page  number is given as well.
  NOTE:APA style requires the use of the past tense or the present perfect  tense in signal phrases introducing cited material: Smith (2005) reported,  Smith (2005) has argued.
  1. BASIC FORMAT FOR A QUOTATIONOrdinarily, introduce the quotation with a  signal phrase that includes the author’s last name followed by the year of  publication in parentheses. Put the page number (preceded by “p.”) in  parentheses after the quotation.
  Critser (2003) noted that despite growing numbers of overweight
  Americans, many health care providers still “remain either in
  ignorance or outright denial about the health danger to the poor
  and the young” (p. 5).
  If the author is not named in the signal phrase, place the author’s name, the  year, and the page number in parentheses after the quotation: (Critser, 2003,  p. 5).
  NOTE: APA style requires the year of publication in an in-text citation. Do  not include a month, even if the source is listed by month and year.
  2. BASIC FORMAT FOR A SUMMARY OR A PARAPHRASEInclude the author’s last name  and the year either in a signal phrase introducing the material or in  parentheses following it. A page number or another locator is not required  for a summary or a paraphrase, but include one if it would help readers find  the passage in a long work.
  According to Carmona (2004), the cost of treating obesity is
  exceeded only by the cost of treating illnesses from tobacco use
  (para. 9).
  The cost of treating obesity is exceeded only by the cost of treat-
  ing illnesses from tobacco use (Carmona, 2004, para. 9).
  3. A WORK WITH TWO AUTHORSName both authors in the signal phrase or  parentheses each time you cite the work. In the parentheses, use “&”  between the authors’ names; in the signal phrase, use “and.”
  According to Sothern and Gordon (2003), “Environmental factors
  may contribute as much as 80% to the causes of childhood obe-
  sity” (p. 104).
  Obese children often engage in less physical activity (Sothern &
  Gordon, 2003, p. 104).
  4. A WORK WITH THREE TO FIVE AUTHORSIdentify all authors in the signal phrase  or parentheses the first time you cite the source.
  In 2003, Berkowitz, Wadden, Tershakovec, and Cronquist con-
  cluded, “Sibutramine . . . must be carefully monitored in ado-
  lescents, as in adults, to control increases in [blood pressure]
  and pulse rate” (p. 1811).
  In subsequent citations, use the first author’s name followed by “et al.” in  either the signal phrase or the parentheses.
  As Berkowitz et al. (2003) advised, “Until more extensive safety
  and efficacy data are available, . . . weight-loss medications
  should be used only on an experimental basis for adolescents”
  (p. 1811).
  5. A WORK WITH SIX OR MORE AUTHORSUse the first author’s name followed by “et  al.” in the signal phrase or the parentheses.
  McDuffie et al. (2002) tested 20 adolescents aged 12-16 over a
  three-month period and found that orlistat, combined with behav-
  ioral therapy, produced an average weight loss of 4.4 kg, or
  9.7 pounds (p. 646).
  6. UNKNOWN AUTHOR  If the author is unknown, mention the work’s  title in the signal phrase or give the first word or two of the title in the  parenthetical citation. Titles of articles and chapters are put in quotation  marks; titles of books and reports are italicized.
  Children struggling to control their weight must also struggle
  with the pressures of television advertising that, on the one
  hand, encourages the consumption of junk food and, on the
  other, celebrates thin celebrities (“Television,” 2002).
  NOTE:In the rare case when “Anonymous” is specified as the author, treat it  as if it were a real name: (Anonymous, 2001). In the list of references, also  use the name Anonymous as author.
  7. ORGANIZATION AS AUTHORIf the author is a government agency or other  organization, name the organization in the signal phrase or in the  parenthetical citation the first time you cite the source.
  Obesity puts children at risk for a number of medical complications,  including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea,and orthopedic problems  (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation,2004, p. 1).
  If the organization has a familiar abbreviation, you may include it in  brackets the first time you cite the source and use the abbreviation alone in  later citations.
  FIRST CITATION  (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2001)
  8. TWO OR MORE WORKS IN THE SAME PARENTHESESWhen your parenthetical citation  names two or more works, put them in the same order that they appear in the  reference list, separated by semicolons.
  Researchers have indicated that studies of pharmacological treat-
  ments for childhood obesity are inconclusive (Berkowitz et al.,
  2003; McDuffie et al., 2003).
  9. AUTHORS WITH THE SAME LAST NAMETo avoid confusion, use initials with the  last names if your reference list includes two or more authors with the same  last name.
  Research by E. Smith (1989) revealed that . . .
  10. PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONInterviews, memos, letters, e-mail, and similar  unpublished person-to-person communications should be cited as follows:
  One of Atkinson’s colleagues, who has studied the effect of the
  media on children’s eating habits, has contended that advertisers
  for snack foods will need to design ads responsibly for their
  younger viewers (F. Johnson, personal communication, October 20,
  Do not include personal communications in your reference list.
  11. AN Electronic documentWhen possible, cite an electronic document as you  would any other document (using the author-date style).
  Atkinson (2001) found that children who spent at least four hours
  a day watching TV were less likely to engage in adequate
  physical activity during the week.
  Electronic sources may lack authors’ names or dates. In addition, they may  lack page numbers (required in some citations). Here are APA’s guidelines for  handling sources without authors’ names, dates, or page numbers.
  Unknown author
  If no author is named, mention the title of the document in a signal phrase  or give the first word or two of the title in parentheses (see also item 6).  (If an organization serves as the author, see item 7.)
  The body’s basal metabolic rate, or BMR, is a measure of its at-
  rest energy requirement (“Exercise,” 2003).
  Unknown date
  When the date is unknown, APA recommends using the abbreviation “n.d.” (for  “no date”).
  Attempts to establish a definitive link between television pro-
  gramming and children’s eating habits have been problematic
  (Magnus, n.d.).
  No page numbers
  APA ordinarily requires page numbers for quotations, and it recommends them  for summaries or paraphrases from long sources. When an electronic source  lacks stable numbered pages, your citation should include — if possible —  information that will help readers locate the particular passage being cited.
  When an electronic document has numbered paragraphs, use the paragraph number  preceded by the symbol ¶ or by the abbreviation “para.”: (Hall, 2001, ¶ 5) or  (Hall, 2001, para. 5). If neither a page nor a paragraph number is given and  the document contains headings, cite the appropriate heading and indicate  which paragraph under that heading you are referring to.
  Hoppin and Taveras (2004) pointed out that several other med-
  ications were classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as
  having the “potential for abuse” (Weight-Loss Drugs section,
  para. 6).
  NOTE:Electronic files using portable document format (PDF) often have stable  page numbers. For such sources, give the page number in the parenthetical  citation.
  12. INDIRECT SOURCEIf you use a source that was cited in another source (a  secondary source), name the original source in your signal phrase. List the  secondary source in your reference list and include it in your parenthetical  citation, preceded by the words “as cited in.” In the following example,  Critser is the secondary source.
  Former surgeon general Dr. David Satcher described “a nation of
  young people seriously at risk of starting out obese and dooming
  themselves to the difficult task of overcoming a tough illness”
  (as cited in Critser, 2003, p. 4).
  13. TWO OR MORE WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR IN THE SAME YEARWhen your list of  references includes more than one work by the same author in the same year,  use lowercase letters (“a,” “b,” and so on) with the year to order the  entries in the reference list. (See item 6.) Use those same letters with the  year in the in-text citation.
  Research by Durgin (2003b) has yielded new findings about the
  role of counseling in treating childhood obesity.


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