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ZT] 加拿大面试:话不能太多 正确使用身体语言
ZT] 加拿大面试:话不能太多 正确使用身体语言

来加拿大这几年,前后经过的面试有二、三十次了,失败的几乎是80%以上,有一段时间我绝望得甚至想每天开车去多伦多做义工以换取工作经验,但皇天不负苦 心人,经历了无数次失败,经过了无数次总结,今天我终于进了自己心仪的公司,我愿把自己的经验写出来和更多朋友分享,并祝愿大家都能尽快找到一份好工作。


  要想得到面试的机会,一份好的简历是不可少的,关于怎么写简历,我一方面上网查询,另一方面也咨询了不少人的意见,有这样一个建议曾经很打动我的心: 骗你没商量。也就是说,尽量把自己往别人的要求上靠,会的要说很会,不会的说会一点,这样人家才会考虑你。可是实际操作起来并不那么容易,我是一个不惯说 谎的人,我可以尽量使自己的简历往别人的要求上靠,但不会的就是不会,如果欺骗别人,眼睛首先就出卖了我;另一方面我也不象有些人那样聪明,即使从没有接 触过的东西,只要花上几天时间就能说得头头是道。不过这样一来,也许我的面试机会没有那么多,可至少被聘用后,我不会每天提心吊胆自己的骗术被揭穿。

  我认识一个人,她来了不久就在一家日本人开的餐馆里找到了waitress的工作,大家都羡慕得不得了,这个工作因为拿小费,可以少交税,收入实际很 好。她在国内从来没有做过相关的工作,可她说自己有一年的工作经验。照她想,这份工作容易得很,又有培训,还不是一下就会了。可是上班以后才明白,除了服 务顾客,还要做点打扫、帮厨的工作。结果她一样都没做好,店里的几十种寿司和生鱼片,在她看来都是一样的,一张桌子那么多客人,她也不懂怎样记住每个人点 的什么;帮厨的时候,她只顾自己手上的活,却没想到脚边总有人在杀鱼,因为自己窜来窜去,别人只好小心自己锋利的刀子不会碰到她的脚;最糟糕的是,快打佯 时打扫厕所的时候,她记得自己把门象别人那样支开着,可等她拿个东西回来,门关上了,她想都没想就闯进去了,正好一个男顾客在撒尿。可想而知她当天就被解 雇了。




  我其实是一个很沉默的人,有时候一天都不会说上5分钟的话,可是面试的时候,因为我太急于得到这份工作,总是想多说一点,让别人多了解我一点。面试的 人看起来特别和蔼可亲,简直是套话专家,我一感动就把心掏出来了,结果说了很多不必要的废话,最终没有得到工作。有几次特别让我难忘。

  一次是应聘HP在新加坡的公司,其实我们开始谈得很投机,我简直可以感觉到这个Offer就非我莫属了,结果他问了我一个问题,“你这么好的条件,为什么不考虑去美国或加拿大呢?”我太老实,又因为前面谈得很好,就多说了几句,说我的确申请了,可是英语不太好。他听了以后,沉默了半晌,然后就把我打发 走了。在他看来,英语只是时间问题,可如果他雇佣了我,把我培养成熟手,我的英语也好了,然后我这煮熟的鸭子也飞了。

  还有一次我其实很有竞争力,那家公司和我以前做的几乎一样,只不过我们当时做的比他们要高明一些,面试我的人是负责技术的,我们谈得很投机,而且他招 的不只一个人,我相信自己是很有竞争力的。又是到了最后,一切技术问题问完了,我都答得不错,他信口来了一句,“你是怎么离开那家公司的?”我又是话多, 告诉他那家公司怎么倒闭的,他可能是认为兆头不好吧,半天不说话,最后也是没有下文了。



  面试通常分专业部门和人力资源部门两部分,我最怕人力资源的那些问题,因为文化背景的不同,我们的答案往往不合他们的要求。可是我因为毕业后就留校, 出国前从来没有这方面的经验,再加上平时和别人打交道不多,所以到这时候我的弱点就显露出来了。比较典型的几次失败是这样的。人家问我的优点是什么,我考 虑了很久,最后说自己有点完美主义,在写程序的时候,总是希望尽善尽美,我的意思是,自己这样,岂不是能更好地满足客户要求?可是在这里不这么认为,我完 美,意味着我苛求,而我的这种性格最终会导致我和同事相处紧张,他们认为没有完成不了的工作,而气氛是最重要的,有这么一个人气氛肯定是好不起来了。其实 回答这类问题的时候,我完全可以四两拨千斤,说优点是上手快,易与人相处等,缺点是英语还有待提高等等这类冠冕堂皇的语言。

  还有一次是问我为什么要跳槽,我也是实话说因为待遇好一点。这里我可以说因为大公司学习的机会多。最有文化冲突的一个问题是:如果公司要我加班,可是 我又答应家人带她们出去吃饭了,我该怎么办,我的回答是当然加班,这样的工作狂在国内无疑是最受欢迎的,可在这里,特别是经历了9.11,人们把家庭看得 很重要,我的回答简直就是告诉别人自己是个没人性的家伙,可是如果我要回答不加班,那么又完全置公司不顾,这样显然也是行不通的,所以比较好的答案是,和 上司商量,看是否有别的解决方案,如果不行,和家人商量,取得谅解,并尽快用别的方式补偿这次的失约。



  面试中,给对方留下一个好的印象很重要,正确的身体语言比任何表白都有效。比如你说自己有幽默感,可是面部表情严肃,人家的一个笑话没有给合适的回 答,就很难说服别人。再比如你过分殷勤,那些人就翘盘子了,可是过分冷淡又让人以为你无所谓,这里面的度一定要拿捏好,为了训练自己,我甚至花时间对镜子 练习自己的表情。

  说了这么多,也并不等于说有了过硬的专业技术和丰富的面试经验就会找到工作,还有运气,面试的人如果和你不投缘,他也不会给你这个机会,招谁都一样, 他自然要找个自己顺眼的,遇到这种情况,千万不要灰心,不论怎样,千万别对自己丧失信心,上帝关了这扇门,一定会在别处为你开了窗。

TelephoneInterview Tips & Techniques 电话面试-高淘汰率的筛选
Telephone Interview Tips &Techniques
Employers use telephone interviews as a way of identifying and recruitingcandidates for employment. Phone interviews are often used to screen candidatesin order to narrow the pool of applicants who will be invited for in-personinterviews. They are also used as way to minimize the expenses involved ininterviewing out-of-town candidates.

While you're actively job searching, it's important to be prepared for a phoneinterview on a moment's notice. You never know when a recruiter or a networkingcontact might call and ask if you have a few minutes to talk.

Be Prepared to Interview

Prepare for a phone interview just as you would for a regular interview.Compile a list of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as a list of answersto typical interview questions.

In addition, plan on being prepared for a phone conversation about yourbackground and skills.

    * Keep your resume in clear view, on the top of your desk, ortape it to the wall near the phone, so it's at your fingertips when you need toanswer questions.
    * Have a short list of your accomplishments available to review.
    * Have a pen and paper handy for note taking.
    * Turn call-waiting off so your call isn't interrupted.
    * If the time isn't convenient, ask if you could talk at anothertime and suggest some alternatives.
    * Clear the room - evict the kids and the pets. Turn off thestereo and the TV. Close the door.
    * Unless you're sure your cell phone service is going to beperfect, consider using a landline rather than your cell phone to avoid adropped call or static on the line.

Practice Interviewing

Talking on the phone isn't as easy as it seems. I've always found it's helpfulto practice. Have a friend or family member conduct a mock interview and taperecord it so you can see how you sound over the phone. Any cassette recorderwill work. You'll be able to hear your "ums" and "uhs" and"okays" and you can practice reducing them from your conversationalspeech. Also rehearse answers to those typical questions you'll be asked.

During the Phone Interview

    * Don't smoke, chew gum, eat, or drink.
    * Do keep a glass of water handy, in case you need to wet yourmouth.
    * Smile. Smiling will project a positive image to the listenerand will change the tone of your voice.
    * Speak slowly and enunciate clearly.
    * Use the person's title (Mr. or Ms. and their last name.) Onlyuse a first name if they ask you to.
    * Don't interrupt the interviewer.
    * Take your time - it's perfectly acceptable to take a moment ortwo to collect your thoughts.
    * Give short answers.
    * Remember your goal is to set-up a face-to-face interview. Afteryou thank the interviewer ask if it would be possible to meet in person.

After the Interview:

    * Take notes about what you were asked and how you answered.
    * Remember to say "thank you." Follow with a thank younote which reiterates your interest in the job.

Techniquesfor Pharmaceutical interview
Techniques for interview

•        Be confident and speak slowly and clearly
•        Once you meet a question that you are veryfamiliar, please talk about it in detail. By doing so, the total questions youmight meet would be reduced.
•        Demonstrate that you are flexible and easy going.

Possible questions based on your resume:
1.        Self-introduction
2.        Strength?
Two professional: eg. Experience , troubleshooting skills and time management.Example for the strengths!!
3.        Weakness?
Drive myself too hard (push too hard), too careful (double check)
4.        Instrument(HPLC, GC, KF, IR, UV, Scale, ) name,brand, how to use, calibrate, troubleshooting.
Example test for each instrument!!!
5.        How to sampling?
6.        Sequence, specifications for assay, relatedcompounds (RC)
7.        Validation parameters, specifications
8.        How to deal with conflicting with co-workers?
9.        Why do you leave your previous company?(Demonstrate that you will be stable in one company )
10.         Talk something about your previouscompany

Read resume word by word and bring up potential questions they may be asked andgive the answers for that.

Paper testing:
What is reverse / normal phase HPLC?
Retention time order: based on the compound name (different polar level),answer the RT order from a HPLC chromatogram.
Polar order (alchohol, acetone, ….)
Full name for some terms: SOP, ICH, WHIMS, cGMP, …..
Documentation for some analytical te

Frequently  ask questions during interview - including HR questions
For informations only. Some  answers are not ideal or even wrong. So prepare the answer in detail by  yourself.
  (2004 year version)
  1.        Tell me about yourself
  I was an analytical chemist with more than 10 years experience in  petrochemical industry. I have a Bachelor science degree  in  Chemistry and post graduated diploma in pharmaceutical quality  control  and quality assurance. I have strong knowledge of HPLC, GC, UV/Vis and I can  perform a variety of testing such as potency, dissolution, content  uniformity, disintegration, friability and stability indicating test  according to established in-house criteria and USP. I am also a cooperative  team player.
  2.        What is your major weaknesses ?
  •        I tend to drive myself too hard.
  •        I like to see a job done quickly.
  •        I expect others to perform beyond their  capacities
  •        I always give myself too much pressure in order  to keep my knowledge updated. There are a lot of new developments and  technologies in my field, so I have to keep on learning, or else it would be  my weakness.
  •        I often worry too much over my work, sometimes I  work late to make sure the job is done well.
        3. Looking at your resume, what do you think your  weaknesses are regarding  this job  
  "I believe that my skills and abilities are a good fit for this  position. Do you have any specific concerns?"
  4.        What are your greatest strengths?
  •        I work well with others
  •        I can organize my time efficiently
  •        I can see what needs to be done and do it
  5.        "Do you prefer working with others or  alone?"
  "I'm quite happy working alone when necessary. I don't need much  constant reassurance. But I prefer to work in a group--so much more gets  achieved when people pull together."
       Sample Answer: I have experience in working both  alone and in a team. I can   work in both situations. However, I  can concentrate and work better, if I work alone.
  6.        What minimum quality should a person have to be  your teammate?
  Suggestion: Be practical and reasonable.
  Sample Answer: Although, I can work with any person, it will make my life  easier if the person is a team player, can communicate and nice in behavior.
  7.        What behavior of a person do you not like?
  Suggestion: Search for most common one, such as lazy, not-punctual, bad  behavior, foul mouth, etc
  8.        How do you handle a teammate who thinks he/she  is always right or knows better?
  Sample Answer: If it does not interfere with any of my work, I try to leave  it alone. If it interferes with my work I will talk and reason with the  person. If that does not work I will talk to my superior.
  9.        .If you joined our company, another employer  offer you more money, will you leave us?
  Sample Answer: If I accept the job that means I also like the salary I do not  think I will leave.
  10.        How do you persuade someone to agree with your  point of view?
  Suggestion: Answer may include explaining your view, showing the positive  side, etc.
  Sample Answer: By communication, I tell them what benefit my point of view  will bring for them. I explain the up side and the down side of my proposal  and most of the time they agree. I am always ready to negotiate and modify my  plan with their input, if the situation demands. So things always work out.
  11.        How do you handle criticism?
  A nice and constructive criticism helps me. Although, abusive or bad  criticism may hurt my feelings, it will not reduce my performance.
  12.        Questions to Ask Employers
  •        Please describe the duties of the job for me.
  •        What kinds of assignments might I expect the  first six months on the job?
  •        Once the probationary period is completed, how  much authority will I have over decisions?
  •        What skills are especially important for someone  in this position
  •        What qualities are you looking for in the  candidate who fills this position?
  •        How often are performance reviews given?
  •        In your opinion what is the most difficult part  of this job?
  •        What do you like about working here?
  •        Would you like me to leave my references at this  time?
  •        What kind of training will be provided?
  •        Who will I be reporting to directly?
  •        Can you describe an ideal employee?
  •        Can you tell me about the competencies necessary  to perform this job?
  •        How is performance measured and reviewed?
  •        Can you describe a typical day in this job?
  •        Can you portray the best and worst aspects of  this job?
  •        How long do people usually stay in this job?
  •        Why did the last person leave this job?
  •        How many employees are in this department?
  •        "What skills are considered most useful for  success in the job I am applying for?"
  •        What is the next position that this job  typically leads to?"
  "Assuming I was hired and performed well as a (the position you are applying  for) for a number of years, what possible opportunities might this lead  to?"
  •        "I would really like to work for your firm.  I think it's a great company and I am confident I could do this job well.  What is the next step of the selection process
  13.        "Can you work under pressure?"
  "Yes, I usually find it stimulating. However, I believe in planning and  proper  management of my time to reduce panic deadlines within my  area of responsibility."
  Yes,I can .I know pressure and deadlines are a part of work and I enjoy  meeting realistic goals and challenges.
  14. How do you handle pressure and stress?
  Exercising, relaxing with a good book, socializing with friends or turning  stress into productive energy are more along the lines of the "correct"  answers
  15.        What would you like to be doing five years  from now? The safest answer contains a desire to be regarded as a true  professional and team player
  Actually, I’d like to do the best job I can possible do in the position we  are talking about right now. I know that if I do a great job. Good things  will happen to me later. They  always have.
  16.        Why should I hire you?
  I have more than 10 years analytical experience. I can perform a various of  drug releasing test such as potency, dissolution, content uniformity,  friability ,hardness, impurity ,moisture content and stability indicating  tests with HPLC,GC, UV equipments
  I have the qualifications you need [itemize them], I'm a team player, I take  direction, and I have the desire to make a thorough success.
  17.        "How do you take direction?" How do  you accept criticism?
  I take direction well and recognize that it can come in two varieties,  depending on the circumstances. There is carefully explained direction, when  my boss has time to lay things out for me in detail; then there are those  times when, as a result of deadlines and other pressures, the direction might  be brief and to the point. While I have seen some people get upset with that,  personally I've always understood that there are probably other  considerations I am not aware of. As such, I take the direction and get on  with the job without taking offense, so my boss can get on with her job. It's  the only way."
  18.        "What are your biggest  accomplishments?"
  Keep your answers job related. "Although I feel my biggest achievements  are still ahead of me, I am proud of my involvement with . . . I made my  contribution as part of that team and learned a lot in the process. We did it  with hard work, concentration, and an eye for the bottom line."
  19.        "What is the most difficult situation you  have faced?" "What are some of the things that bother you?"  "What are your pet hates?" "Tell me about the last time you  felt anger on the job."
  I enjoy my work and believe in giving value to my employer. Dealing with  clock-watchers and the ones who regularly get sick on Mondays and Fridays  really bothers me, but it's not something that gets me angry or anything like  that."
  20.        How long would you stay with the company?
  I would really like to settle down with the company. I take direction well  and love to learn, As long as I’m growing professionally, there is no reason  for me to make a leave.
  21.        How do you deal with frustrations ?
  Keep optimistic, communicate with family, friends and collegues
  22.        What did you like your last job? (the answer  should be immigration to Canada)
  I really liked everything about the job.
  23.        What kind of boss do you like to deal with?
  I think my boss should be knowledgeable , forward looking and innovative.  Fortunately my bosses in my previous jobs are all excellent leaders, they all  gave me very good impressions.
  24.        How do you think the importance of oral and  written English in your career life?
  Specialized English was one of the most important programs at my university.  I’ve always done a lot of research in  my field ,most of them were  written in English.
  25.        How would your last employer describe you?
  She described me as a responsible, reliable, punctual and dedicated employee,  She told me that my leave was a loss for my company.
  26.        What are your salary expectations?
  My salary requirements are negotiable. I am very interested in this job. It  really matches my skills and experience. I’m sure you’ll make me a fair  offer.
  27.        Do you have Canadian experience?
  I have a lot of skills in this field and I have learned a lot from TIPT.  I  am a quick learner.
  28.        How is your health?
  I have excellent health.
  29.        When are you available for work?
  I am free right now. I can start to work immediately.
  30.        How much were you absent from work in your  last job?
  I’ve had an excellent attendance record . I take pride in my work and know  that my contribution is needed.
  31.        Why did you leave your last job? Why to  Canada?
  I immigrated to Toronto. Because Canada is the best country  to  live.
  32.        In what areas could you most improve?
  I’ll continue to learn English and specialized knowledge to keep up to date  in my field.
  33.        Are you thinking of going back to school or  college?
  I plan to stay in this field for quite a while. I am ready to take any  training or upgrading recommended by the employer
  34.        How do you get along with co-workers ? (  Example )
  I often communicated with others. When they are in difficulties, I can see  what needs to be done and do it. So I have good relationship with my  co-workers. I believe if you are kind to others, they will respect you  .approach to you and make friends with you. One of my colleague was depressed  after she had a baby and her husband was working in another city. I invited  her to my home for dinner, we talked about work and family, and I gave her  help whenever I thought it’s necessary, she did well in her job, she was very  thankful to what I had done to her.

JobInterview Questions and Best Answers (about.com)
Source: http://jobsearch.about.com/od/in... /interviewquest.htm

Interviews are always stressful - even for job seekers who have gone oncountless interviews. The best way to reduce the stress is to be prepared. Takethe time to review the "standard" interview questions you will mostlikely be asked. Also review sample answers to these typical interviewquestions.

Then take the time to research the company. That way you'll be ready withknowledgeable answers for the job interview questions that specifically relateto the company you are interviewing with.

Interview Questions: Work History

    * Name of company, position title and description, dates ofemployment. - Best Answers
    * What were your expectations for the job and to what extent werethey met? - Best Answers
    * What were your starting and final levels of compensation? -Best Answers
    * What were your responsibilities? - Best Answers
    * What major challenges and problems did you face? How did youhandle them? - Best Answers
    * Which was most / least rewarding? - Best Answers
    * What was the biggest accomplishment / failure in this position?- Best Answers
    * What was it like working for your supervisor? What were hisstrengths and shortcomings? - Best Answers
    * Who was your best boss and who was the worst? - Best Answers
    * Why are you leaving your job? - Best Answers
    * What have you been doing since your last job? - Best Answers
    * Why were you fired? - Best Answers

Job Interview Questions About You

    * Describe a typical work week.

What  is a Behavioral Interview and Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers
What is a Behavioral Interview and  Behavioral Interview Questions and AnswersWhatis a behavioral interview?  Behavioral based interviewing isinterviewing based on discovering how the  interviewee acted in specificemployment-related situations. The logic is that  how you behaved in thepast will predict how you will behave in the future  i.e. pastperformance predicts future performance.Traditional Interview vs.  Behavioral Interview
  In a traditional interview, you will be asked a series of questionswhich  typically have straight forward answers like "What are yourstrengths and  weaknesses?" or "What major challenges and problems didyou face?  How did you handle them?" or "Describe a typical work week."
  In a behavioral interview, an employer has decided what skills areneeded in  the person they hire and will ask questions to find out ifthe candidate has  those skills.
  Instead of asking how you would behave, they will ask how youdid behave. The  interviewer will want to know how you handled asituation, instead of what you  might do in the future.Questions in a Behavioral InterviewBehavioral  interview questions will be more pointed, more probing and more specific than  traditional interview questions:
  Give an example of an occasion when you used logic to solve a problem. Give  an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it. Describe a  decision you made that was unpopular and how you handled implementing it.Have  you gone above and beyond the call of duty? If so, how?What do you do when  your schedule is interrupted? Give an example of how you handle it.Have you  had to convince a team to work on a project they weren't thrilled about? How  did you do it?Have you handled a difficult situation with a co-worker?  How?Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure.Follow-up  questions will also be detailed. You may be asked what you did, what you  said, how you reacted or how you felt.
  Preparation for the Potential Behavioral InterviewWhat's the best way  to prepare? It's important to remember that youwon't know what type of  interview will take place until you are sittingin the interview room. So,  prepare answers to traditional interviewquestions.
  Then, since you don't know exactly what situations you will be askedabout if  it's a behavioral interview, refresh your memory and considersome special  situations you have dealt with or projects you have workedon. You may be able  to use them to help frame responses. Preparestories that illustrate times  when you have successfully solvedproblems or performed memorably. The stories  will be useful to help yourespond meaningfully in a behavioral interview.
  Finally, review the job description, if you have it, or the jobposting or ad.  You may be able to get a sense of what skills andbehavioral characteristics  the employer is seeking from reading the jobdescription and position  requirements. Take a look at what employersare advised about developing the  job posting for a behavioral interview on the  About Human Resources site.
  During the Behavioral InterviewDuring the interview, if you are not  sure how to answer thequestion, ask for clarification. Then be sure to  include these pointsin your answer:
  A specific situation The tasks that needed to be doneThe action you tookThe  results i.e. what happenedIt's important to keep in mind that there are no  right or wronganswers. The interviewer is simply trying to understand how you  behavedin a given situation. How you respond will determine if there is a  fitbetween your skills and the position the company is seeking to fill.So,  listen carefully, be clear and detailed when you respond and,  mostimportantly, be honest. If your answers aren't what the interviewer  islooking for, this position may not be the best job for you anyway.

2005年04月19日00时04分 来源:华枫论坛作者:henry_xy

我在找工作的期间看了很多网友找工作的文章和经验介绍, 同时也得到了很多朋友的帮助和鼓励,非常感谢他们。 现在我也班门弄斧写点经验, 主要是针对IT类的工作。

刚登陆的一个月里面我上了几天LINC. 我自己的感觉是LINC的语法、阅读和写作对于中国人来说比较简单,
口语在LINC4还是很简单,到了LINC5开始有难度.不过上课期间并没有很多机会能和老师单对单聊天。 而且LINC的老师很多不是加拿大人,他们的口音我感觉不是很地道。

我上过一个为期3天的WORKSHOP,怎么说呢,老师确实是教你怎样打COLD CALL,怎样做INTERVIEW,但是说句实话用处似乎不是太大, 只能是当作是融入当地社会的一个过程吧. 我倒是建议刚登陆的朋友去这些JOB SHOP里面找一个辅导员(最好找一个中国人),他们在某些程度上能对你的简历和找工作方法提出一些非专业性的指点,最起码当你觉得无助的时候你可以从他 们那里得到一些信息和鼓励.

简历的重要性很多文章说过,我的个人看法是一份简历无论修改多少次,仍然可以修改的更好。 不妨学习一下JOBPOSTING里面的写法,把几十份和你技术相关的JOBPOSTINGS杂七杂八凑起来就能组成简历中的技能部分。
有些朋友说简历一定要限制在2页,我开头也是按照这个规矩,但是发现一旦修改一下简历,2页的WORD文档排版起来很困难。后来我就把简历扩充到3页以上,把自己做过的项目和职责能写多详细就写多详细. 发现简历的长短似乎并不是什么问题。有时候公司面试对那些项目和技术感兴趣的话,他们甚至会按照简历的描述一行一行的详细询问。
我申请的职位99%都是通过EMail发简历的。邮件正文写COVER LETTER,简历放在附件中(Word或者PDF格式)。
有些公司只接受FAX简历. 如果你用WINXP,直接用MODEM连电话线就可以发FAX(例如手提电脑基本上都带有MODEM的),详细FAX过程可以GOOGLE一下,很简单.

我也发过上百份简历给中介,得到中介的面试机会的不多, 最后真正得到和雇主面试的机会极少. 我感觉(指IT类)中介似乎比较适合已经有加拿大工作经验想跳槽的人,新移民想通过中介找到工作比较困难
网上很多帖子专门列举了大部分的中介信息, 我就不一一列举了


在Monster和WorkOpolics上发简历然后每天定时更新,这个很多人说过了,因为很多公司和中介会在上面SEARCH。 不过我在上面主动投的简历基本上都没有回音,算了一下几个月时间总共只得到了2个电话面试的机会
如果你精力有限,就别在这么HOT的地方花太多的时间发简历. 我倒是觉得GOOGLE的职位新闻组还有ROLIA、CHINASMILE的职位情报版块更高效。还有记住去你感兴趣的公司网站上POST你的简历(所有IT公司的网站都有Career一栏).


我把自己的技能和做过的项目非常详细的写在WORD文档中, (然后打印出来(万一突然有电话面试来不及开电脑你也起码有点资料可以看),一有时间就背诵,直到最后滚瓜烂熟为止。 (最起码你面试开头能流利背诵几段英文已经可以给面试者一个好的印象. (反正你能打800电话顺利办理事情我觉得面试英文就基本上OK了,剩下的主要看你的技术和临场反应能力.
2. 简述一下你自己的技能
3。你对TEAM的认识(最喜欢问的就是如果你和TEAM LEADER/MEMBER发生矛盾怎么办)
(大多数情况下这些问题都是泛泛而谈,很少会涉及到非常深奥和底层的东西。如果你遇到某个英文术语不懂的话一定要对方解释,不要花过多的时间来思考,否而你犹豫的神情会让对方对你的简历产生怀疑。我试过好多次情况回答一个术语都要好几次对方才满意,其实不是自己不懂这个技术,但是需要一段时间才能领悟对方 到底想问什么.
sit straight
be confident
answer all questions clearly and loudly
我找工作到第三个月的时候真的有点撑不住了. 因为一直都没有什么公司的回音和正式面试. 我已经打算去申请做Volunteer或者CO-OP,后来有几个朋友鼓励我继续坚持下去(非常感谢他们).结果到了第四个月奇迹出现了,居然一下子有了好几个面试机会. (我那时候也收集了一些Co-op的信息,有兴趣的朋友可以参考一下

Dufferin-Peel Adult Learning Center – Meadowvale
2000 Argentia Rd. Plaza 4, Suite 101
Mississauga, On. L5N 1W1
Dufferin-Peel Adult Learning Center – Queen St.
870 Queen St. W.
Mississauga, L5H 4G1
http://www.dpcdsb.org/coopcentre/ (上面两个是最出名的COOP地点,不过我没有去过所以不太了解情况
据说里面CO-OP的都是大公司, 而且每个职位的最低月工资有1800加币. 注意申请的时候要先花$115去另外一个机构做一个毕业证书公证,网站上有详细申请流程描述.
NOW Program
777 Bloor West, (Christie Subway) (注意申请的时候需要先去另外一个机构做一个工作证明. 你可以先打电话去咨询一下.

我能写的经验也就这么多了,希望能对新移民朋友有点帮助. (总的来说找工作是一个很个性化的东西, 每个人的经历和运气都不同, 最重要的就是自己的努力和毅力.
有兴趣或者有问题的朋友可以通过email: henry_xy@hotmail.com和我联系


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